What's new?

Win at Letterpress

The latest entry in my Slanted Viewpoint blog explains how to win at Letterpress (a popular word/strategy game for iOS devices). In particular, it delves into how to play if you go second and your opponent has made a great opening move.

I'll be at SVMUG in March

I will be speaking at the SVMUG (Silicon Valley Macintosh Users Group) meeting on Monday, March 18. The topic will be the same as my recent Macworld talk: File Sharing and Syncing Unleashed.

Macworld | iWorld 2013

Another Macworld | iWorld is now in the history books. There were special events, headlined by Aston Kutcher and Josh Gad. There were the always enjoyable 5-minute RapidFire talks. There were parties. And there was my own TechTalk.

All in all, a great time and a wonderful opportunity for "face-time" with colleagues and friends who otherwise remain a virtual presence for the rest of the year.

For my overall take on the event, check out my Slanted Viewpoint blog entry.

Farewell to "User Friendly View"

The Mac Observer and I have parted ways. I wrote my final User Friendly View column on January 23rd.

Going forward, my main work will be to continue to write for the great folks at Macworld.

© Ted Landau 2015